H.E. Zaki Nusseibeh: Timeless Values
BLOG: The NEP Experience

NEP 3.0 AI Reports Discussed at MBZUAI
How big of an impact will AI have on entrepreneurship, renewable energy, and space in the UAE?
These topics were discussed by NEP 3.0 alumni, Abdulla Al Shimmari, Ameena Al-Sumaiti, and Abdulla Alshehhi, during a panel session hosted by Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence. The panel was moderated by Professor of Computer Vision, Abdulmotaleb El Saddik, and titled “UAE Leadership in AI”.
NEP 3.0’s AI reports can be found at uaenep.ae/en/ai-reports.
With AI becoming more powerful, the panelists agreed these innovative technologies will have a major influence on UAE’s key sectors and called on organizations to utilize AI effectively to drive growth.