National Experts Program | NEP

NEP 4.0

NEP 4.0

The fourth edition of the National Experts Program begins in October 2024. Participants representing 20 sectors key to the UAE’s centennial strategy will undertake a 12-month course of academic learning, immersive work experience, and mentorship by influential leaders in their sectors. The program will empower participants with the strategic mindsets, leadership skills and tools to drive development in their sector and contribute to the prosperity of the nation. 

The National Experts Program emphasizes the role that Emirati specialists will play in the country’s continued growth. The program is designed to develop a network of experts equipped with the expertise and leadership skills needed to transform sectors aligned with the UAE’s national priorities. 

Economic Growth Social Development Sustainability and Infrastructure

The Economic Growth cluster includes sectors that contribute to ensuring a resilient and future-proof economy that is knowledge-based, diversified, and human-centered.

The Social Development cluster includes sectors that act as pillars of a thriving, healthy community, positioning the UAE as a secure, tolerant, and cohesive society, and expanding opportunities for all in the country.

The Sustainability and Infrastructure cluster includes sectors that shape the infrastructure agendas, policies, and solutions required to ensure sustainable development while preserving the environment.


The three clusters and 20 sectors of NEP 4.0 are key to the UAE's centennial strategy and to the prosperity of the nation.

Economic Growth

The Economic Growth cluster includes sectors that contribute to ensuring a resilient and future-proof economy that is knowledge-based, diversified, and human-centered.

  • Economic Development

    Economic Development

    Candidates in this sector work to promote a sustainable and diversified economy, adopting new economic models and partnerships to guarantee the prosperity of the nation.
  • Advanced Sciences and Research

    Advanced Sciences and Research

    Candidates in this sector are at the forefront of transformation, research, and development. They work in various fields of scientific research, either in higher education or in professional environments.
  • Technology and Innovation

    Technology and Innovation

    Candidates in this sector play a transformative role in ensuring a purposeful, sustainable, and inclusive future through technology and innovation.
  • Space


    Candidates in this sector work to shape space policy and regulation, and to support the development of the UAE as a regional hub for civil and commercial space activities.
  • Media and the Creative Economy

    Media and the Creative Economy

    Candidates in this sector strive to make the UAE a thriving business and innovation hub by enabling entrepreneurs, enhancing their professional ecosystem, and supporting media and digital production.
  • Tourism and Hospitality

    Tourism and Hospitality

    Candidates in this sector deploy new domestic and international strategies to ensure the growth of the tourism and lifestyle sectors as the consumer landscape that sustains these industries faces new opportunities and challenges.
  • AI


    As the influence of AI grows across all sectors, candidates from this sector come from diverse backgrounds and understand how this technology enhance human capabilities and lead to positive outcomes.
  • Banking and Finance

    Banking and Finance

    Candidates in this sector will explore the changes made in banking and finance from technological advancements, changing consumer behaviors, and regulatory developments.
  • Security and Defense Services

    Security and Defense Services

    Candidates in this sector work on how the UAE is investing in technology innovation and research and development efforts to strengthen the UAE’s position as a leading regional defence supplier.

Social Development

The Social Development cluster includes sectors that act as pillars of a thriving, healthy community, positioning the UAE as a secure, tolerant, and cohesive society, and expanding opportunities for all in the country.

  • Philanthropy


    Candidates in this sector work as social entrepreneurs or with foundations, non-profits, philanthropic or voluntary organizations to address societal issues with the goal of building happier and more inclusive societies.
  • Education


    As technology transforms the education sector, candidates in this field are at the forefront of future-proofing the UAE’s education systems and curricula to contribute to a knowledge-driven nation.
  • Health and Well-Being

    Health and Well-Being

    Candidates in this sector aim to make the UAE a world leader in quality of life through a variety of strategic initiatives, including promoting healthy and active lifestyles, developing precision medicine, attracting medical tourism, and setting frameworks to ensure optimal mental and physical health.
  • Community Development and Social Services

    Community Development and Social Services

    Candidates in this sector work to achieve social harmony and promote national identity. Their efforts contribute to fostering community cohesiveness, keeping social welfare, inclusivity, and the well-being of the UAE’s diverse community at the forefront of the country’s agenda.
  • Government Services

    Government Services

    Candidates in this sector contribute to the policies essential to an effective, smart, and interactive government experience, catering to public needs in partnership with all sectors of the community.
  • Culture and Identity

    Culture and Identity

    Candidates work in the fields of heritage protection and the strategic growth of cultural and creative industries, strengthening the role of culture in diplomacy, education, and the infrastructure of the arts and culture market.
  • Foreign Affairs

    Foreign Affairs

    Candidates work in positions where they represent the UAE, NGOs, academic centers or international organizations, participating in analysis, problem-solving or policy-making to develop solutions to newly emerging global challenges.

Sustainability and Infrastructure

The Sustainability and Infrastructure cluster includes sectors that shape the infrastructure agendas, policies, and solutions required to ensure sustainable development while preserving the environment.

  • Environment and Climate Change

    Environment and Climate Change

    Candidates address key environment and climate priorities, including safeguarding environmental health, preserving biodiversity, facilitating the country's transition to a green economy, and reducing the impact of climate change in line with economic development priorities.
  • Mobility and Logistics

    Mobility and Logistics

    Candidates contribute to shaping modern, future-facing economies by developing and optimizing domestic mobility systems and leveraging the UAE’s advantageous geographic location to galvanize global connectivity and sustainable logistics.
  • Energy and Renewables

    Energy and Renewables

    Candidates shape the UAE’s energy strategy, which includes developing strategies to increase the contribution of clean, renewable, and nuclear energy, reducing the average carbon footprint, and managing greenhouse emissions.
  • Food and Water Security

    Food and Water Security

    Candidates work to ensure food and water security in the UAE by contributing to strengthening global supply chains and diversifying supply sources, developing projects to support local agriculture, and enacting strategies to improve nutrition, reduce waste, and water conservation.