National Experts Program | Khalifa BinHendi

Khalifa BinHendi

Khalifa BinHendi

Community Development and Social Services

Senior Research Analyst, Prime Minister’s Office, Ministry of Cabinet Affairs

With broad experience in both business and government, Khalifa BinHendi is uniquely equipped to bring a private sector skillset to his public sector role. Ambitious, diligent, and devoted to his country, he aspires to stay at the forefront of the social sector and use his leadership strengths to improve society.

As Senior Research Analyst for the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), Ministry of Cabinet Affairs, BinHendi has both shaped and implemented plans for the UAE Centennial 2071. Key to sustaining excellence in the UAE government, he helps federal entities improve their performance and build their capabilities to further contribute to the nation’s prosperity. He also plays a strategic role in enriching the PMO’s initiatives and special projects, addressing any gaps that might impede their success.

In line with the UAE Centennial 2071 vision, BinHendi wants the UAE to have the best society in the world— one that is secure, tolerant, and cohesive, and promotes a positive lifestyle for future generations. To help achieve this vision, he aspires to dig deeper into the challenges faced by UAE citizens, and then co- design solutions (i.e., policies, strategies, and programs) that impact lives. Long term, he aspires to lead the social sector or direct strategy and policy development in the UAE, applying cutting-edge insights and innovations to drive social change.

Coming from a family of business leaders, BinHendi has always understood the importance of creating socioeconomic value the UAE. In 2011, he founded the 1971 Social Enterprise in that spirit, aiming to attract young Emirati to social entrepreneurship or social work. The success of this venture helped inspire the UAE to create the Ministry of Culture and Youth, appointing the youngest minister in the world as Minister of State for Youth Affairs.

BinHendi earned his Bachelor of Arts in Business Management from Middlesex University. He also completed a Foundation Program in Business Studies from Bayes Business School (formerly Cass Business School) at City, University of London. Along with his fellowship with the National Experts Program, he is a Board Member of the BinHendi Family Office and Non-Executive Board Member of Ali BinHendi Investments.